Taken with permission from Nancy Warren Ferrell's excellent student
geography book Alaska: A Land in Motion, published by the Alaska Geographic Society.
Origin of the name
Alaska comes from the Aleut word "alaxsxaq" or "agunalaksh" that means mainland or shore.
626,932 (2000 census)
Land Features
space: 591,004 square miles, 16% of U.S. total area
highest point: Mount McKinley (also known as Denali), 20,230 feet above sea level, highest point in North America
number of active volcanoes: 40
coastline: 6,640 miles, 57% of the entire U.S. coastline
Water Features
longest river: Yukon River, 1,400 miles in Alaska, 1,770 total miles in Alaska and Canada, fifth longest
river in North America
largest lake: Lake Iliamna, 1,000 square miles