Claire Rudolf Murphy

My Country Tis of Thee Music Project

Music Project Play List

Go to the Play List Page to listen to recordings of music from the book! The MCTT Music Project would like to thank the Eastern Washington University Choir and the Spokane Area Youth Choir for contributing their recordings.

Here is sample from page 8 of My Country Tis of Thee. Recordings for every page of the book on the Playlist Page!

Inspired by the book by Claire Rudolf Murphy, My Country Tis of Thee Music Project presents recordings of the every version of the song presented in the book. This exciting project brings to life the many different versions of the hymn that have been sung throughout history. Press play to listen to the EWU choir sing selections from my book, My Country Tis of Thee: How One Song Reveals the History of Civil Rights.

Choirs of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in the Music Project by singing and recording their own versions of My Country, Tis of Thee at school and in their communities. Check out the MCTT Music Project playlist page and then submit your own lyrics and recordings:


Listen Online
Submit lyrics

About the Book



 Lyric Submissions

You can participate too! Submit your own lyrics and performances here. To get you inspired to write your own set of lyrics, take a look at these two sets of lyrics submitted by my friends at Hamline University:


My country tis of thee,

Sweet land of plenty,

To thee I rage-

Till every child is fed-

Workers can rest their heads-

And poverty has fled-

Through a living wage.

– Olivia Ghafoerkhan


December Friday brings

Adam Lanza entering

Sandy Hook school.

Twenty first graders died!

Wayne LaPierre cried,

“Blame the sick, don’t touch gun rights.

Let gunshots ring!”

– Kate St. Vincent Vogl